Be all that you are

A Breath At A Time


Private Sessions can be in person, over Skype (Internet) or over the telephone.

All Sessions are by appointment only

Payment can be made either by cash or via Paypal.

Breathing Session

Together we breath – Along with my Soul and Spiritual Team, I lead a Conscious Breathing Session of a Safe Space. We breath together to allow your connection with your soul to allow any stuck or blocked energies to flow in a more balanced way.

AU $70.00 for 30 to 40 minute session

A 1 hour session is also available with time to communicate where you may feel stuck, or just need help to move energies and find moreĀ  balance in your life.

AU $110.00 for 1 hour session

Personal Breath Recording

I, along with my Soul, connect with you intuitively and record a 20 minute breathing session, specifically for you personally.

Something tangible to have and breath along with, especially when struggling to find balance on your own.

AU $40.00 for 20 minute Recording

Healing Session

In a safe space, using the breath along with the healing energies available around us. I connect with my Soul and Spiritual Team and allow an intuitive healing session to unfold.

AU $100.00

Please contact me to arrange for a session.
